what makes u who u r?
i was thinking.. what determined our traits, our character? physical traits like small eyes, big nose or even 1 eye, half a nose are genetically determined, so we can do nothing about it, unless u r thinking of having a plastic surgery. den how about our character? ren zi chu xing ben shan or ren zi chu xing ben er? if we put two new born bbies in the exact same environment, eat the exact same food, mix wif the exact same ppl, watch the exact same tv program, go to the exact same school, will they grow up having the same character? is there a gene inside us tt controls how naughty we are? i know there's a left n right brain tt control the emotive n logical part of us. is tt oso sub divided into how naughty or how lazy we can get? if one person has more 'naughty' genes, den he's naturally more 'gek xiao' den others? if we are all born equal other den the physical traits, den is it the environment tt shape us? traits like musically talented i can understand.. i think tt has to do wif the left n right brain part. but traits like more nua, more bia, more kaisu, more bo chu have to do with which factor? it's like some ppl kena said 'eh u v nua leh', den they rebutt 'i'm juz like tt leh, there's nothing i can do'.. but wat makes u juz lidat? u r inborn a nua kid, so since young u don't bother to cry even when u r hungry? if tt's the case, i got nothing to say.. it's really inborn..cannot change even if the sky falls.. but i dun believe ppl can be borned nua! how can? can u imagine.. when the mom is giving birth to the nua gia.. den the kid took 1 day to come out cos for evey 2cm he moves, he took a nap for 5hrs.
yyyyyyyyyy? how come there's phrase like 'oh tt's juz her..' does she ever noe wat makes her 'juz her'? oh man.. i dunno if anyone can answer my question.. but try lah..ok? anyway, the nua is not directed to anyone i noe k.. i'm juz too paiseh to use my traits as examples..cos it will mayb take a few yrs to finish writing..but if u really v nua..den mayb u can give it a tot too lah.. or u got other traits tt's not listed.. can oso tell me..
yyyyyyyyyy? how come there's phrase like 'oh tt's juz her..' does she ever noe wat makes her 'juz her'? oh man.. i dunno if anyone can answer my question.. but try lah..ok? anyway, the nua is not directed to anyone i noe k.. i'm juz too paiseh to use my traits as examples..cos it will mayb take a few yrs to finish writing..but if u really v nua..den mayb u can give it a tot too lah.. or u got other traits tt's not listed.. can oso tell me..
this is the age old question of nature vs. nuture. and it is a chicken and egg topic, you prob wont find the perfect ans, just an ans that you could be satisfied with.
personally, i feel that nuture plays a more important role. SOCIALIZATION.
the environment, your family background, the country you are born in, your family and friends (those closest to you), your own exposure to the media or the world outside our usual 'bubble'.. all these factors are vital in shaping one person's character.
people change all the time, throughout one's life. we change (for better or worse) as we are exposed to new experiences, things that we do not usually encounter in our everyday lives. we change when people around us 'hint' that a particular characetr trait is not very becoming. i would contend that who we are greatly depends on who we associate/'hang out' with.
of course, each human being is unique as well, this is where nature comes into being.i would feel insulted if someone comment that i look/behave like someone
so "that's just him/her" comment is sometimes just an easy remark.perhaps its just an offhand remark, without mush thought into it. yes, sometimes we get lazy (haha) and make a subconscious choice to say "that's just her" to end the topic. :D
Anonymous, at 2:00 PM
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